12 Month Quran Programme

Have you ever wanted to memorise the Quran, but just didn't know where or how to start? Do you find yourself at the same place year after year? Then this may just be the Quran Program that will change your life.
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What our students have said about us:

"My Quran experience with Sr Fatima has been nothing shy of amazing. I love how she knows each and every one of her students and adjusts their lessons accordingly. She would never give you a lesson that she hasn't already gone over with you. She makes you feel very comfortable and confident at the same time. Her kind words, thorough explanations, gentle but firm reminders and expectations are definitely all qualities of an amazing teacher. Highly highly recommended اللهم بارك"

"Joining Gateway to Fluency has been one of the biggest blessings. Somewhere along my journey, I had lost sight of direction when it came to my hifdh. Not only is Ustadha Fatima your teacher, but also a mentor and guide. Alongside regular one to one lessons, Ustadha also has comprehensive Talqeen and Tajweed lessons taking us through matan such as Jazariyyah. These classes uplift you, challenge and have transformed me in less than a year. Not only does GTF provide amazing classes, but a special sisterhood through various retreats and spiritual boosts together. I would recommend these classes to EVERY sister. "

"My Quran Journey with Ustadah Fatima Has completely changed my life. Before joining this program, the Quran was never part of my day to day life. Now I find myself reaching out for the Quran all day everyday! "

"In Just 2 Months I've managed to revise 10 Ajzaa. Before this Program, this would have taken me 6 Months!"

Arabic Programme

Have you ever dreamed of being able to recite the Quran and actually be able to understand it? Are you sick of just relying on translations ? Are you ready to take that step that will completely transform your relationship with the Quran?

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With my 10 years experience in teaching Quran to students all over the world we have created a simplified step by step guide to becoming a confident and fluent reader.


50% Complete

Two Step

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